Sunday, November 27, 2011

Spielberg Makes the Switch to Avid?

A recent interview by Steven Awalt with Steven Spielberg reveals that he is now starting to embrace the industry standard Avid. There are 2 main things to get here. The teamwork aspect is the one I wasn't expecting.

First and foremost, he is making the jump to a digital world. His editor, Michael Kahn has used computers to edit many times before, but Spielberg has steadfastly stuck with film. This is big news because he's really resisted the digital world when it comes to picture editing. His resistance has been rooted in the creative process, not some holier than thou hatred of a Mac. He explains this in the interview quite well. He has said what other editors have told me before. The time required to make an edit on film allows for the creative juices to flow at a bit slower pace. He says digital editing is too quick and you need time to absorb the edit. I've only edited "Gunsmoke" footage on film and have never cut a project, but I can certainly see where he is coming from. This team effort of editing the picture can be hindered if the creative process is not allowed to flow freely. When editing, the editor and director collaborate as a team. They bounce ideas off each other and try different ways of cutting the film together. With digital editing, this is too fast for him, and many others.

Next time you're feeling that nervous tick in the edit room, take a walk and think through your edits. Clearing your mind away from the suite may help. I know one editor that like to go to the gun range and get some range time in. He says it really clears his mind. I don't know if that will work for you. You'll have to find your own way of doing this. Good luck!

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