Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sir Ken Robinson

I've been a fan of Ken Robinson for some time. I've even heard a talk of his in person. He and his message are such that he could be identified as his own brand. His manner of speaking, his message and his enthusiasm is very recognizable. In the talk, Ken explains how we, as a mostly global society, are trying to mass produce education; and we're failing miserably at it. This sort of TED talk really applies to everyone, no matter the business they're in. What Ken is saying is that future of our children is in jeopardy. This is important because we will need the right workforce to maintain and run our businesses at some point. Also, these people will be our customers, clients and targets of our brands. So, this lesson is two fold. First, it's a lesson about life. Secondly, it's a lesson on branding because Ken does have a certain sense of celebrity, and his brand is at stake whenever he speaks.

Ken comes from the UK where he has been knighted, and is known as a leader in education reformation. He is a very articulate speaker, knows his subject well and is very good at getting people's attention. I invite you to watch this talk, as it's much more than just someone on a stage. This video is animated, illustrating his talk.

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